(Basic Package) Airish Hotel
Paket Pernikahan di Airish Hotel Palembang by Hello Brides. Hotel strategis di tengah kota dengan dekorasi mewah dan diorganisir WO berpengalaman.
Alasan menggunakan Hello Brides
- Berpengalaman sejak tahun 2016
- Profesional dan berbadan hukum
- Amanah & dapat diandalkan
- Pilihan paket pernikahan beragam
- Full support & konsultasi
- Bisa customize paket sesuai budget
Venue Facility
- Electricy usage up to 5.000 watt
- Reception table with 2 guest books
- Free usage of screen and projector
- Free packing
- Free usage of area for prewedding photo season
- 400 Pax
- Menu Nusantara / Chinese: Rice, Main Dish, Side Dish, Vegetables, Fruit, Condiment, & Mineral Water
- by Kencana Catering / Tiara / Keyla / Mommi
- Pakaian Pengantin Akad dan Resepsi
- Sunting Melati
- 2 Songket Mama pengantin
- 2 Set Beskap Rumpak Tanjak Papa pengantin
- 4 Set Beskap Keluarga
- by Moesty / Ilook Gallery / Zoel Zulkarnain
Make up
- Make up Akad dan Resepsi
- 2 Make up Mama pengantin
- by Hesty / Adju / Celly Kinoi
- 1 Videographer dan 1 Photographer
- Coverage Akad dan Resepsi
- 1 Album Kolase 20x30cm
- 1 Flashdisk for original photo video and edited photo video
- 1 Video wedding trailer
- by Luminore / Maram pictura / Story Tale
- Entertainment
- Solo Keyboard
- Wedding Singer
Wedding Organizer and Planner
- Wedding Planner for Akad and Reception
- 1 Bridal Assistant & 2 Registry Crew
- 1 Stage Manager & 1 Coordinator
- 2 Stopper & 1 Runner
- 1 F&B Supervisor
- 1 PIC for Bride’s Family and 1 Groom’s Family
- 1 Sound man
- 2 VIP Guest Handling / 2 Guest handling
- By Hello Brides
- Perawatan Pra nikah
- 10 Box akrilik Gold/White Tray 10 Keranjang rotan dan Ring Bearer
- Henna Art
(Basic Package) Airish Hotel